Camp Conquest All Year
Year-round, we partner together with other ministries to provide week-long children's programs, weekend youth group retreats, men's, women's, and church events.

This Month's Prize:

Picture yourself in this beauty! To win it, all you have to do is tell us about one of your favorite camp memories. Each month we'll choose a story we think is extra special. If we choose your story the prize for that month is yours!

A Camp Conquest Hooded Sweatshirt

Learn more about Camp Conquest by visiting the main site at Find events that are happening throughout the year, download forms and more.

Barb's Story:

Barb's Story

Just wanted to thank you and give you an update on [Jose]. It keeps running through my head, what you said about Camp Conquest being a special place and lives being changed. Something happened to [Jose] up there! Since he has been home, he's been smiling more, he has not been as argumentative, much nicer to [danny], and there is a peacefulness to him now. It's such a change and I'm loving every minute of it!!!!

But there is one thing more, I've noticed that we're all laughing more. I often hear hm and [danny] laughing now, (instead of fussing) and [Jose] is a budding comedian, he's got us all laughing. Again, thanks so much! They are also talking about returning but not just next year, [Jose] tells me that he'll just have to get a job there, since he only has a couple years as a camper. You do good work!

Again, you all have my heart felt gratitude.